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6 Nail art trend predictions for 2020 according to top Korean nail artists

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Nail art is something that just lures people in! No matter who you are, the eye-catching colors, patterns, designs, and even shapes. Maybe it is because nail art is something that everyone can participate in, or its just human instinct to be drawn to stuff that looks cute on Instagram. Whatever the reason, nail art trends have taken over our Instagram feeds – milky nails, drip nails, or even tortoiseshell nails.

In 2019, we saw trends like Korean stone nail art, diamond nails, tattoo nails, and many more. Some of them will surely flourish in 2020 as well. In the new year, along with the trends from 2019, we expect minimalism and maximalism to go together!

Aurora Nail Art

Magnetic nail art inspired by Aurora borealis, more popularly known as Nothern Lights, is taking over nails in South Korea. Aurora nails have a fantastic kaleidoscopic effect – it is shimmery and changes colors with the movement of hands. The Aurora nail trend is essentially Korea’s take on the cat-eye manicure.

Not only is the appearance like mythical Northern Lights, but they also involve magnetic forces. The metallic gel polishes actually contain magnetic particles. It helps in the proper distribution of the shimmer with a magnetic wand.

See how the color changes


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🔮 Looking at the aurora through my nails 🙃 . 손이 못생겼지만 no filter, no effect ✔️ . Thanks a bunch, my uni-fam. I’m happy to see y’all making this even more special. . 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 With magnetic🧲gel and a magnet🧲, you can easily do it. . The trick is to make a design with your magnet after applying the gel right before you start curing. ☝🏻The index finger was done by applying a coat of magnetic gel on clear base, ✋🏻and the rest of the fingers had deep blue color underneath, so if you look into it they are a bit different. . There’s no right answer, so try it with different base colors and designs. Then you’ll get your own beautiful aurora on your hands 🔮😌 . . . *검지는 투명베이스, 나머지는 딥블루 컬러 베이스를 깔고 완성 했어요💜 가지고 계시는 자석젤이 옛날거라 잘 안 될땐 자석 파우더와 섞어도 괜찮은데 요즘 새로나온 자석젤은 다 잘 나오는 것 같아요. 🥰 #옥구슬네일 #unistella

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Highly accented Aurora nails with bling


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. . 연장한거 아니지용😁 손톱이 명품!! 탑젤 바르기전이에요~💅🏻 . @nailtam2na 디자인 찾아오셨어용!! . #오로라젤 #존예———————————————————————— 네일앤조이는 트렌디한 젤아트와 더불어 고객님의 소중한 손/발톱 건강까지 생각하는 프리미엄 일본식 젤전문 네일살롱입니다. ———————————————————————— 네일앤조이는 정품 스와로브스키를 사용합니다. ———————————————————————— . . ☎️ 031-901-4179 . . #네일앤조이 #스톤아트 #화려한네일 #웨스턴돔 #라페스타네일 #웨스턴돔네일 #장항동네일 #스톤네일 #nails #일산젤네일 #웨돔네일 #백석네일 #좋아요 #daily #일산네일 #인스타네일 #스와로브스키 #탄현네일 #마두네일 #네일 #일산네일샵 #ジェルネイル #정발산네일 #nails #nailart #화려한네일아트 #열스와 #풀스톤네일 #풀스와네일

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Western Patterns

According to Eun Kyung Park, founder of Unistella nail salon, quotes that Western-inspired patterns and colors are sure to make waves in 2020. You can check her latest creation here with a cow pattern in brown color.


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I need Western boots 🐄🐫🦒🦔🤠 먼가 카우보이 느낌

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Cracked Nail Patterns like Snakeskin

Why should you only have snakeskin-inspired handbags? Nail art with cracked nail patters like snakeskin is about to blow up your Insta feeds, according to Park. Although they might look too complicated to replicate at home, with a little practice, you can easily make your own snakeskin nail pattern!


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🐍 😱👁

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Unique Nail Shapes

A nail art trend that is not about the design but the shape of the nail. Unusual shapes like ‘lipstick’ shape are one of the inventions of Eun Kyung Park. In this trend, slightly slanted tips are typically filed onto the tips of extra-long nails. Unique and inventive nail shapes do come with risks. Instead of regular curves or flat, go out with something different and unique!


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Changed all my fingernails #intothelipstickshape and then I got a new lipstick💄 #unistella #lipsticshapednails

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Monday mood

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Negative Space Nail Art Trend

Although French manicure was the most significant trend of 2019, it will continue in 2020 with a slight twist. In this trend, nails have a transparent background with some abstract pattern on the top. It gives a clean and futuristic feel to the nail art.

And it even works well with short nails


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UNIque ☝🏻 My short nails

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Milky Way Nail Art Trend

It is like a point between an opaque white manicure and a sheer white manicure. The color is brighter at the nail tips, and it fades out to opaque white. It looks like a milky texture, which is how it gets the name from. There are many different interpretations of this trend that you will definitely come across when you browse.


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#네일다이어리#브러시그라데이션 ⠀ 일땜에 클스마스네일 못하시구 얌전한거로! 그래두이쁘ㅎ옴춍러블리햇ㅎㅎㅎ😍💕 ⠀ ⠀ 📌인스타DM✖️확인못하구있어요😭 카톡이나 전화로 부탁드립니다🙏🏻💕 카톡친구검색▶️ 네일다이어리 전화문의▶️ 010.2325.0080 ⠀ ⠀ 📌예약은 3주정도 여유있게 해주심좋아요 ⠀ ⠀ 탑젤 #크레이지탑젤 문의▶️ @catchmejuly ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #naildiary#시럽그라데이션 #그라데이션네일 #데일리네일#웨딩네일#시럽네일 #누드톤네일 #심플네일#강남네일샵#역삼동네일#그라네일 #시럽그라데이션네일 #koreannails #naildesign #nailstagram #여리여리네일#weddingnails

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