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Korean Startup Wave Makes Sports Apparel With Kinesiology Taping Technology

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Korean startup Wave in the field of sports technology has created kinesiology taping wear, a first of its kind in the world. It has labeled the range as Wave Wear, apparel that gives you the best endurance performance helped by kinesiology taping compression wear.

WaveWear, The Startup

The company was launched to create daily high-performance athletic wear using bio silicone and science. It was started in 2010, and now it aims to reach the global top 10 sports apparel market.

WaveWear, how is it different from other sports clothing?

The WaveWear has the kinesiology taping effect, which comes from a bio-adhesive silicone interlocked into the fabric. It has the exclusive BWAS™ Technology (Bio Waved Adhesive Technology), which is economical and environmentally friendly. The silicone interwoven into the fabric is non-toxic, retains its adhesiveness when dry, leaves no residue and is most important; it is elastic.


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Our WaveWear story. The first time we created the WaveWear, What we focus on when we make products. And finally, we’re going to talk about our future. I’ve had a little bit of a little bit. Listen to WaveWear! ⠀ 저희 웨이브웨어의 이야기. 처음 웨이브웨어를 만든 계기와 우리가 제품을 만들때 중점을 두는것 마지막으로 우리의 미래에 대한 스토리를 짧게나마 담아보았습니다. 웨이브웨어의 이야기를 들어보세요! ⠀ #WaveWear #PERFORMnHEAL #sport #calfsleeve #running #fitness #forearmsleeve #top #pic #nice #diet #health #workout #tennis #muscle #taping #pop #leisure #loveit #like4like #kneesleeve #elbowsleeve

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But, what is kinesiology taping?

This is mainly used by athletes and in physical therapy for different purposes such as pain reduction, correction of posture, prevention of injury, and many others. An athletic tape (compression tape) is applied in certain areas to prevent sprain and muscle fatigue to prevent injury and reduce the burden on muscles and joints.

Unlike traditional compression tape, kinesiology tape is more elastic, and it has a wave-shaped adhesive underneath that supports muscles and joints.

What makes kinesiology taping in WaveWear unique?

The BWAS™ Technology aligns and adheres to skin closely, and it mimics the effects created by traditional kinesiology taping. Even with the compression, the blood flow remains optimized, and the muscle vibration is minimized. This results in the lowering of muscle fatigue to the extent of 35% as compared to normal compression wear.


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Waves of silicone in WaveWear. Sports Tapping by Adhesion You may feel the effect. This special silicone is used after use. No residue left. With medical silicone that’s harmless to the human body. It’s produced. It’s a CE medical rating. You can rely on the product you’ve acquired! ⠀ 웨이브웨어만의 물결무늬 실리콘은 피부에 직접 점착되어 스포츠테이핑 효과를 느끼실 수 있습니다. 이 특수한 실리콘은 사용 후에 잔여물이 전혀 남지 않으며, 인체에 무해한 의료용 실리콘으로 제작되었습니다. CE 메디컬 등급을 획득한 제품으로 믿고 사용하실 수 있습니다! ⠀ #WaveWear #PERFORMnHEAL #sport #calfsleeve #running #fitness #forearmsleeve #top #pic #nice #diet #health #workout #tennis #muscle #taping #pop #leisure #loveit #like4like #kneesleeve #elbowsleeve

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WaveWear Range

The company started making sleeves for different body parts – calf sleeves, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, and a forearm sleeve. It has now expanded into apparel – tops, and bottoms for both men and women.

Forearm Sleeve

It has BWAS™ technology that effectively supports the forearm area via the kinesiology taping method while maintaining comfort. This sleeve is best for golfers, tennis players, and any other sport that involves swinging arms.


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WaveWear has exceptional recovery. The effect of wearing sports tape alone You can feel it. 😊 You’re losing muscle fatigue. Helps prevent injury With frequent injuries and muscle aches during exercise, If you’re in trouble, you’re gonna need a WaveWear sleeve. I recommend you! Not just Sleeve. Clothing will also be released in the second half of this year. We are going to be here, so please give us lots of love and support!💙🙏🏻 ⠀ 웨이브웨어는 남다른 회복력을 자랑합니다. 착용만으로도 스포츠테이핑 효과를 느끼실 수 있어, 근육 피로도 감소와 부상 방지에 도움을 줍니다. 운동 시 잦은 부상과 근육통으로 힘든 분들에게 웨이브웨어 슬리브를 추천 드립니다! 슬리브뿐 아니라, 올 하반기에는 의류 역시 출시될 예정이오니 많은 관심과 사랑 부탁드립니다! ⠀ #WaveWear #PERFORMnHEAL #sport #calfsleeve #running #fitness #forearmsleeve #top #pic #nice #diet #health #workout #tennis #muscle #taping #pop #leisure #loveit #like4like #kneesleeve #elbowsleeve

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Calf Taping Sleeve

This WaveWear calf sleeve is Inspired by varicose vein kinesiology taping, and these sleeves help reduce swelling in the calf. It is good for runners, people who walk for longer distances, or for people who sit for a long time.


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Easy to wear sports tape! I’m going to print adhesive Just by wearing a Sleeve, you can’t just take the tape. You can feel it instantly. It’s the vibrations of the muscles. Helps prevent injury Now, semi-permanent sports-tapping, Meet wave wear! ⠀ 간편하게 입을 수 있는 스포츠테이핑! 점착성 실리콘을 내부에 프린트하여 보호대를 입는 것만으로도 테이핑효과를 즉각적으로 느끼실 수 있습니다. 근육의 진동을 잡아주어 부상방지에 도움을 줍니다 이제 반영구적인 스포츠테이핑, 웨이브웨어를 만나보세요! ⠀ #wavewear #sport #elbowsleeves #running #fitness #runner #cycling #riding #calfsleeve #climbing #top #pic #nice #wear #mlb#diet #kneesleeves #fitness #health #workout #tennis #muscle #taping #pop #leisure #loveit #like4like

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Knee Sleeve

It features BWAS™ technology which tightly and comfortably holds the knee joint and does not slip down even during intense workouts.


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WaveWear Knee Sleeve I came back stronger! I’m going to change the fabric and the pattern, and sleeve Hold the knee firmly. The Knee Sleeve K1 features a comfortable fit. The new Knee Sleeve K2 has been released. a powerful grip on one’s knees during strenuous exercise. This product is characterized by pressure. In the crowdfunding site Wadiz, It’s the first time you’ve ever seen a knee sleevee funding. Please give us a lot of attention! funding will open at 2 p.m. on November 12. https://www.wadiz.kr/web/wcomingsoon/rwd/49518 웨이브웨어 무릎보호대가 더 강해져서 돌아왔습니다! 달라진 원단과 패턴으로 더 강하게 무릎을 잡아주는 제품입니다. 무릎보호대 K1은 편안한 착용감이 특징이며, 이번에 새로 출시된 무릎보호대 K2는 격렬한 운동 시에 무릎을 강하게 잡아주는 압박이 특징인 제품입니다. 크라우드 펀딩 사이트 와디즈에서 최초로 공개되는 무릎보호대 펀딩에 많은 관심부탁 드립니다! 본펀딩은 11월 12일 오후 2시 오픈됩니다. https://www.wadiz.kr/web/wcomingsoon/rwd/49518 #WaveWear #PERFORMnHEAL #sport #calfsleeve #running #fitness #compressionwear #top #pic #nice #diet #health #workout #tennis #muscle #taping #pop #leisure #loveit #like4like #kneesleeve #elbowsleeve #leggings #sportswear #kickstarter

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WaveWear CompressionWear

In the coming months, the Wave Company is launching its sports apparel range, including different shirts and leggings. These will be launched via Kickstarter. It is a range of sports taping garments that can be worn easily.


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World’s first kinesiology taping wear, WaveWear Compressionwear It is a sports taping garment to wear easily. Shoulders, waist, knees, and calf If you wear a variety of taping now! Reduce the risk of injury, Taping effect that reduces muscle fatigue You can experience just by wearing. WaveWear’s compression wear line It will be released for the first time on Kickstarter, You can subscribe via profile link! 세계최초 키네시올로지 테이핑 웨어, 웨이브웨어 컴프레션웨어는 간편하게 입는 스포츠테이핑 의복입니다. 어깨, 허리, 무릎, 종아리까지 이르는 다양한 테이핑을 이제 입으면 끝! 부상 방지 위험을 줄여주고, 근육의 피로도를 낮춰주는 테이핑효과를 착용만으로도 경험하실 수 있습니다. 웨이브웨어의 컴프레션웨어 라인은 킥스타터에서 최초로 공개될 예정이며, 프로필 링크를 통해 구독하실 수 있습니다! #WaveWear #PERFORMnHEAL #sport #calfsleeve #running #fitness #compressionwear #top #pic #nice #diet #health #workout #tennis #muscle #taping #pop #leisure #loveit #like4like #kneesleeve #elbowsleeve #leggings #sportswear #kickstarter

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Leggings with calf and knee taping – Effective for all kinds of sporting activities.


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WaveWear Compression Tights Built in knee and calf taping. Taping, which had to be cumbersome Easy to wear just finished! Silicon taped inside Helps lower muscle fatigue Reduces risk of injury WaveWear compression wear It will be released for the first time in Kickstarter! Please check the link below! https://mailchi.mp/0fff6341fe3d/wavewear 웨이브웨어 컴프레션 타이츠는 무릎과 종아리 테이핑이 내장되어 있습니다. 평소에 번거롭게 해야했던 테이핑을 간편하게 입는 것 만으로 끝! 내부에 점착된 실리콘 테이핑은 근육 피로도를 낮추는데 도움을 주며 부상위험을 줄여줍니다. 웨이브웨어의 컴프레션 웨어는 킥스타터에서 최초로 공개될 예정입니다!

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