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Korean startup Petit Elin making moms and babies happier

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Korean startup Petit Elin is all about selling the cutest and adorable premium products for babies. The name literally translates to ‘little happiness’ and this is what they do. The company was set up in 2010 with the sole mission of making premium products for babies and children. It includes manufacturing, importing, exporting, and distributing all products related to babies. Petit Elin sells baby clothing, furniture, toys, accessories, baby skincare products, diapers and many more. All these products are a part of babies’ and their parents’ lives.


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⠀ ⠀ ☁보들보들 폭신폭신 부드러운 잠자리 기분좋은 하루 마무리를 선물해주세요💛 ⠀ ⠀ 모달 100%! 밀로앤개비 모달침구는 2가지 사이즈로 준비되어 있어요. ⠀ ✔ M사이즈는 아기침대, 범퍼침대, 어린이집 낮잠이불로 활용하기 좋아요. ⠀ ✔ L사이즈는 엄마와 함께하는 잠자리 또는 슈퍼싱글 침대에 딱인 사이즈예요. ⠀ ⠀ 👉이미지를 넘겨서 세계여행🌏을 떠난 밀로앤개비 친구들을 구경해보세요👀👀 ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #밀로앤개비 #miloandgabby #아기이불 #아기모달이불 #모달이불 #아기차렵이불 #아기겨울이불 #아기방꾸미기 #동물이불 ⠀

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What’s so special about Petit Elin?

Just like our babies are precious and a miracle of life, Petit Elin targets to make the experience of motherhood even more wonderful by including almost all the required baby products in their repertoire. The company has introduced a premium brand that ensures that you get honest, superior quality, and adorable design products.


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⠀ #로니 #낮잠이불 ⠀ 많은 친구들의 사랑을 받는 배려심 깊은 사자🦁 로니가 낮잠이불로 🙊🙊🙊 ⠀ 이번주 금요일인 10월 11일에 신제품이 공개된다고 해요. ⠀ ✔사계절 듀얼패드 (순면&인견) ✔리얼 토퍼형 도톰한 패드 ✔일체형 디자인 ✔귀여운 캐릭터 입체 디자인 ⠀ ⠀ ➰지금👉 @miloandgabby_official 에서 신제품 이름 맞추기 이벤트에 참여해보세요.🤸 🤸 ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #밀로앤개비 #miloandgabby #발레리나로라 #낮잠이불 #어린이집낮잠이불 #사계절낮잠이불 #일체형낮잠이불 #밀로앤개비낮잠이불 #아기베개 #신생아베개 #아기이불

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One-stop-shop resource for new mothers where children are always put first and all the products simply add smiles to the faces of everyone in the family.


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⠀ ➰생명력을 담은 수퍼 잎사귀🌿, sᴜᴘᴇʀ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇs ⠀ 👉뷰티유투버가 추천한 수퍼리브즈 ⠀ 오늘 소개해드릴 수퍼리브즈 클래리파잉 샴푸는 녹차잎🍃과 레몬잎🍋 추출물이 두피 유분을 딥클렌징해주어 머리 감은 후 산뜻함을 선사해준답니다.🦱 ⠀ ‼‼클래리파잉 라인 컨디셔너도 있어요💛 ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ✔ 수퍼리브즈 전제품 구매 시 샴푸+컨디셔너 여행용 샘플 15회분을 증정하는 행사도 계속 진행중이에요. ⠀ 두피에 좋은데 모발엔 더 좋은 수퍼리브즈를 지금 만나보세요!👌 ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #쁘띠엘린 #수퍼리브즈 #천연샴푸 #약산성샴푸 #온가족샴푸 #임산부샴푸 #지루성두피염샴푸 #비듬샴푸 #약산성샴푸 #샴푸

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Some Petit Elin brands and products

With its reputation for quality and commitment to placing children’s and babies’ needs first in everything, the company is continually expanding brands. This way they can offer even more products and give a wider choice to parents. They operate 23 premium brands in Korea and some other Asian countries. These brands include a wide variety of baby products including apparel, bedding, hygiene, and many more. Along with all this, they also are a premium brand of products such as feeding accessories, breastfeeding supplies, toys, and even baby strollers. All the products sold by Petit Elin are best in quality and you can trust the brand to provide you with premium products.

Some brands that are included in the Petit Elin range are Milo & Gabby (bedding), Clarmiel (carrier), Moyuum (feeding and care), Sagepole (furniture), Little Haven (fashion and accessories), and Elephant Ears (stroller accessories).

Where can you find Petit Elin products?

These products are available via online and offline stores. They have their own webstores and the products are also available on premium online shopping malls run by large enterprises like SSG.com and GSShop. Petit Elin is also available in open markets like gmarket and interpark. Products are also available in about 300 high-end boutiques for babies and kids across the country. There are 13 department stores, including Galleria, Lotte, and Shinasegae.

About Jinju Jeon

Senior Writer @KoreaProductPost

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