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Food & Beverage

Korean startup Myungdo bringing healthy snacks from all over the world to Korea

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Myungdo P&G Co. Ltd is a Korean startup that launched with the main objective of bringing the best and premium European snacks and confectionaries to the Asian market. This food trading startup imports and exports all kinds of snacks, candies, and confectionaries from Germany, Vietnam, Italy, and Indonesia. The company targets the distribution of these in the Korean market with the Korean OEM snack.

Myungdo imports healthy foods

The business was established in 2010 as an importer and later registered as a corporation. Some of the world’s best confectionaries from well-known brands are imported like Misura & Nattura from Italy, German brand Bahslen, Jans from Los Angeles, Vietnam brand Huunghi, and Indonesian Mayora. Most products imported are high-protein, gluten-free and overall healthy snacks like biscuits and cereals.

Myungdo has partnered with international store chains like 7-Eleven, Mini Stop, Emart 24, GS25, and CU. They have also collaborated with drug stores like Lalabla, Boots, and supermarkets like GS supermarket and Lotte Mart. You can also find imported products on online company sites like Kurly, GS Fresh, and Coupang.

Company aim

The main objective of the startup is to bring healthy snacks from all over the world to local (Korean) markets and more importantly, at an affordable price. The company has the main motto of “For Your Wellness” with the aim to bring health and happiness via food products. It further plans to open its distribution channels in other Asian markets like Indonesia.

The company is dedicated to providing products with proper give and take of trust. The products are made with a happy heart and the products are healthy enough to maintain your health. Healthy food will make your life happy and this is possible at an affordable cost because of Myungdo imports.

Misura Dried Fruit Nuts Cereal Bar Biscuits

You can enjoy superfoods such as dried blueberries, acai berry, almonds, walnuts and sweet potatoes in this sweet biscuit bar.

Nattura Cannolo Crunch Red Fruit

A variety of Cannolo with fresh-tasting fruit puree. Even strict vegetarians (vegans) can enjoy it as it is prepared without the yeast. Also, there is no flour and milk in this product, so people with allergies can also eat it with confidence.


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Mini Oreo Vanilla Scent Cream

Mini Oreo from Indonesia is a bite-sized, easy-to-eat Oreo easy to carry when you go out. Vanilla cream is put between the original cookies and you can feel the soft taste. It’s more delicious with milk, and you can also add various toppings to your liking.

We Bear Bears Combo Cheese

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Daeha Food Collagen Pop Shoulder Original

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